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News today !! Sky sexism row from Sian Massey told she must miss out... again

Chiefs have again withdrawn Sian Massey from the spotlight following the Sky sexism row.

Massey was due to referee Corby's Blue Square Bet North game against Eastwood on Saturday after also being due to run the line on Tuesday at Crewe's League Two game against Bradford City.
She was withdrawn hours before kick-off then and was not awarded an FA Cup fourth-round tie this weekend.
She will also not be involved in any of next week's Premier League matches.
Yesterday's decision by Professional Game Match Officials came after Corby reported a huge demand for access by television crews at the 3,000-capacity Rockingham Triangle ground.
Massey was the subject of sexist off-air comments by former Sky Sports presenters Richard Keys and Andy Gray when assistant referee for Liverpool's 3-0 win over Wolves last Saturday.
Gray and Keys agreed female officials 'don't know the offside rule' in an off-air chat that was nevertheless recorded. Following a series of further indiscretions leaked on YouTube, the pair lost their broadcasting jobs this week.

The PGMO insist the decision to withdraw Massey today was taken after consultation with the 25-year-old, a PE teacher at Foxford School and Community Arts College in Coventry.
The Premier League, who speak for the PGMO, refused to comment on whether there would be any financial loss for the official.
A PGMO spokesman said: 'The focus needs to be on the football match, not the officials. It would be unfair on the clubs involved.'
But both managers appeared to have no issue with Massey taking  charge of their match. Corby boss Graham Drury said this week: 'We've had Sian before and she had a fantastic game.
'She stamps her authority on the game and she interacts with players well. We've got a top referee for this game.
'I don't mind if it's a man, woman or even an elephant refereeing as long as they do it properly.'

Speaking to Sportsmail earlier this week, the FA's head of national game, Kelly Simmons, talked about how difficult she expected it to be for Massey when she eventually returns to officiating.
She said: 'Sian's a tremendously brave young woman. I can't imagine the pressure she's under. It just goes to show what a fantastic role model Sian is.

'I thought the comments (from Keys and Gray) were disappointing. I can only emphasise how robust and rigorous our refereeing system is. Sian Massey got there on merit.'

Dennis Strudwick, general manager of the Football Conference, said the FA, who appoint officials, had given them no reason for Massey's withdrawal.



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